Contact Us

Email Addresses and Phone Numbers

We like to share out as much of the work of the church as possible. Accordingly, we have a range of email addresses to which to address any query plus a telephone number to call.

Use the links below and your message should reach the person best able to respond to your query, opening your email program with the appropriate address completed.

Our Pastor - Welcomes enquiries about church membership and baptism
Our Pastoral Assistant - Co-ordinates our family and youth work and our WhatsApp Prayer Group.
Church Secretary - unless there's a more relevant person listed below Diana is the person to contact for anything to do with keeping the church organisation running.
Church Treasurer - the person to contact to ask about church finances.
House Group Co-ordinator - one of our Deacons who will always try to find you a place where you can meet other church members in their homes who gather to study the Bible and pray.
Bookings Secretaries - Janet handles enquiries from new users wishing to book meetings, children's birthday parties or other events. If you are an existing user or a regular attender at church then contact Greg Chapman instead.
Publications Editor - Another Deacon Responsible for our weekly Bulletin, issued at our main Sunday service and Community Scene, a free magazine distributed three times a year in the area we serve.
Web Master - Tries to resolve any problems found with the church web site including references to new activities, obsolete information, spelling and grammar errors, broken links or things that don't work as expected.
01692 582731
Office Telephone - If your email program or browser is not set up to respond to the mail links above then you may leave a message on the church office's answering machine. This is checked at least daily.

We're also on the web at...

You don't have to be a member of Twitter to see what we've been tweeting.
It's open to all, not just members of Facebook, and will keep you in touch with events at or supported by the church.
A special page dedicated to our Youth Group activities.
Our Instagram Images
Anyone can see the images we're posting of events and activities supported by the church.

Other Organisations

You might care to visit the sites of other local and national organisations with which the church has links.